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Finding the proper path
Age: the first signs of progressing age are showing
Location: Can often be found at Strifegorge or reading in the Library of the Remnants of Kimald.
Warrior Lineage
Of the line of Sir Thuk
through Lahnoran
through Islander
through Pogumni
through Ferno Vlade
through Harmonia
last days
March 2011
August 2009
July 2009
June 2009
March 2009
February 2009
December 2008
September 2008
August 2008
June 2008
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
September 2007
March 2007
February 2007
June 2005
March 2005
February 2005

Currently Reading...
'Rites of worship: how to honour the Gods the proper way'

'Of the great creations: the works of Ben, the Creator'

'The mystery of Life'

'Geography of Valorn and it's surroundings'

Of Qalynok'orlahrak and other famous dragons'

'The history of Valorn' part I to XVIII but several parts seem to be missing

'Of forests, grass, herbs, flowers, shrubs and trees: the flora of Valorn'

'The beasts of Valorn: a bestiary'

'Demons: a plague'

'Ancient Art and poetry in Valorn'

'Ancient Knowledge of the Golden Age: Science and Magic'

Finding the proper path
A thick book, lying on a desk in a monastery, hidden in the mountains. Nicely formed letters fill the pages, clearly the hand of an educated person.

Tuesday, 03 June 2008 at 10:57

My work seems to be moving along finally. The pile of books to organize is about half as high as when I begun this work and that is a reassuring thought. Still, difficult topics still await me, and there are times I don't think it will ever be finished. But, as in all things, only patience and dedication will prevail. And now, I can look back upon the things realized, to give courage for the path ahead. Some remarkable things about Valorn and it's inhabitants have been carefully documented and studied, and I'm pleased with the result that now stands in the Guild Library. I must admit that the work about the Evil One himself truly drained me. Though most people know some of his ruses and methods, it's however a bone-shivering task to put these things to paper, and even to think of his past vile crimes, and the times I've stood eye to eye with him, makes one feel sick. Especially the task to seek after the origin of his evil, or the source of his power. One of the greatest mysteries: his power over demons. Is he one of them? No, I do not believe so, though he definately absorbed some of their traits. How does he command them then? Why would a demon listen to one who (once) was a mere human. Of course there's a theory, a theory as old as the once bright walls of Kimald. But is there a way to be sure? Not likely. All this research, and despite the theory, there seems to be nothing certain in these matters. At least every source is organised now, maybe others can draw their own conclusions from it.
As for the future, more tomes to organise. Things have been recorded in history, mostly victories, or at least fond memories. After that, still, ... The few bits of golden age knowledge needs to be organised tome by tome, and then the work will be done. I look forward to that day.

Iron Knight Purazon

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